Friday, March 25, 2005

Little time for Jenga

We've been MIA because we had company. My ten year old sister Jessica came to spend part of her spring break with us. The whole time she was here I was feeling a tad guilty because we couldn't really focus just on her as I would have in the past. We spent almost her entire time playing with the baby. She and I would try to play a game of cards or Jenga while Noah was sleeping, but I also needed to do the dishes, get dinner ready, and start a load of laundry. On the trip to drive her home I apologized for her visit not being all that thrilling. She said she had a good time. I promised her that next time she came Mark would watch the baby for awhile and just her and I could go to dinner, skating or the movies. She seemed pleased with that.

I'm feeling a bit better because the weight is coming off slowly but surely. It took nine months to put it on, so I should give myself nine months to take it off. Right? And what a huge amount of weight it was. The other day I saw myself right after returning from the hospital on a home movie. MY GOD! I knew I was big but not THAT big. But it shouldn't be that surprising. Not only was my pregnancy voracious, but I also packed on the pounds because I quit smoking. I'm happy to say that I 've lost 50 pounds since giving birth but unhappy to say I have about 20 more to lose. And that won't get me back to my former ideal weight - the one I had on my wedding day. I just want to return to the weight I was right before I got pregnant - after I had already gained some weight because I was depressed about my apparent inability to get pregnant. Go figure. I think my former ideal weight is not attainable for me anymore, so I set a new one. I'm now an aging former-smoker mom. Let's be realistic. I just want to feel better in my own skin. All my stretch marked skin.

Noah is getting better at sitting up with support. He's also giggling more. And I swear he made a "D" sound this morning. This afternoon we are off to the mall to meet Meemaw and GG (I didn't pick those names) for lunch and some shopping. Hopefully he'll be on his best behavior. It's a big trip - long drive, lunch and then walking around the mall. Luckily the Willow Grove Mall has a family restroom for nursing and changing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - my mom is an overly generous angel and I don't know what we would do without her. She called me on her way to Costco yesterday to ask me what groceries we needed. I told her I was uncomfortable telling her what to buy us. It just seems so entitled and wrong. But she said that she didn't get to stay home with me long when I was a baby because she had to go back to work. But that she was glad I was staying home with Noah and she wanted to help us out. What do you say in response to that? Thank you never seems enough. I just keep telling myself that I will pay it forward - be just as generous with my kids.


Marksthespot said...

"Be just as generous with my kids," eh? Fat chance. Those buggers better be supporting us.

hazel said...

shityeah! I tell trent all the time that he has to be careful when he plays baseball or soccer because I want my house in hawaii when he goes pro. or whatever. I just want my house in hawaii.

Gary Daring said...

i don’t mean to alarm you, but i think the kid died at the end of “pay it forward.” just be careful is all i’m saying. it sounds like it might be a dangerous concept.

they should have a concept called “pay it back,” like “an eye for an eye” only more positive and stuff…so like if ya owe somebody, you make it up to that person instead of paying back somebody entirely different and dicking over the original person. which reminds me, we totally need to give you back your eddie izzard video. whoops!