Thursday, January 26, 2006

Am I wierd?

Spacechick tagged me to write "Five Wierd Things About Me." I had to ask Mark for help to think of some of them, but here they are.

1. If you’ve met me in person this will come as no surprise. I laugh a lot. All the time in fact. Not in a “HA HA!” way but in a small nervous laugh that constantly punctuates my speech. The odd thing is that I don’t realize I’m doing it until someone draws my attention to it. And then I feel really embarrassed, but I still can’t stop. It’s almost like a speech impediment. When I was working towards my degree in Journalism my mean maternal grandfather told me that nobody I interviewed would ever take me seriously if I continued to talk like that. Sweet, huh? Those people who like me always say nice things about my laugh, but I’m sure it annoys the hell out of those that don’t. Oh well, screw ‘em.
2. I prefer wearing my glasses to contacts, much to my mother’s dismay. And it isn’t just because sometimes contacts bother my eyes or because I hate putting them in and taking them out, it’s because they make me feel like me. Like my nose stud, I think my glasses are a physical manifestation of who I am that allows people to get a glimpse of the real me before getting to know me. Noah is fond of them to – in a ripping them off my face and throwing them on the floor sort of way. I think my mom put him up to that. She says they hide my “pretty eyes.”
3. I dislike gift bags. I don’t mind receiving them, but I never wrap gifts in them unless I am in a serious time crunch. I love to buy pretty paper, cut it, crease the edges and use lots of tape. I had a bajillion gift bags from gifts that I have received, and I considered selling them on ebay until I realized there was little profit in that, so a couple of months ago I threw away all but the nicest ones, which I probably will never use.
4. I hate spectator sports. All of them. I can understand why someone would want to play a sport, but I can’t for the life of me understand what would cause someone to just sit and watch them. And worse yet – get emotionally charged about the outcome. It just seems dumb to me. On a few occasions I’ve tried to watch a game, but I find myself just staring into space rather than watching. And what makes me hate sports even more is that people love them so much, and talk about them ALL THE TIME. It makes me crazy just thinking about it.
5. It seems I can’t finish a drink. My house is often littered with glasses half full. I pour myself a drink, take a sip or two, put it down and forget about it. And then I get another one. When I lived with the band guys they complained about this trait the most because we lacked a coffee table and whatever drink I left on the floor would undoubtedly get knocked over on to the carpet. I tried to knock it off, but I was never very successful.


Marksthespot said...

The unfinished drinks was not one I suggested, but it definitely occurred to me when I was brainstorming.

Missuz J said...

I'm such a bad gift wrapper--I save every gift bag I get and constantly use them again. I've gotten in trouble a couple of times for giving a gift in the bag of the person who originally gave me the bag.

I also hate spectator sports, and have a husband who enjoys them. It's tricky.

lonna said...

I feel the exact same way about glasses/contacts. I could have written that exact same paragraph, except that Dermot likes to smash our glasses into the bridge of our nose as well as try to grab them and throw them. Contacts did hurt my eyes. I ended up with corneal callouses. Yuck, but I also much prefer glasses.

hazel said...

she never meant this as detrimental, but my mom, when I first used to talk about you at home (as in, today I was hanging out with nicole and...) she would say "nicole. the one with the laugh?" I love the laugh. who wouldn't like someone who laughs?

I am a drink unfinisher, too. totally. for me, though, it's not a matter of forgetting. it's a matter of me not wanting that drink anymore. like it got contaminated or something.

Jen said...

The laugh doesn't sound bad at all. I think it sounds kind of cute. My mother in law has the worst speech thingy I have ever heard, in that when you are talking to her, she mumbles along as if she is trying to say the same thing at the same time as you are, but it comes out like someone trying to sing along with a song they don't know the words to. It is incredibly annoying.