Wednesday, September 07, 2005

So much to say, but yet so little

So many things to blog, so little time. As with all things, Noah first.

I can’t believe how much my boy is changing. Towards the end of vacation Noah started displaying a bit of a defiant streak. Prior to it rearing its ugly head when Noah was told “No” he looked a bit crushed but stopped what he was doing. The day after we got home from the beach I told Noah “No” over fifteen times while he attempted to pull all Mark’s dress shirts out of the closet, and he wasn’t deterred in the least. Not even when I picked him up and moved him away. He just crawled back, looked at me and started yanking. Testing boundaries indeed.

And yesterday I decided he must be a genius. Know why? He started stacking blocks. Thrilling, right? I was so excited I just about dropped dead. (And yes I am being both serious and sarcastic.) Our normal routine is that I stack up Peek-a-blocks and he knocks them down. Yesterday he was sitting on the floor playing when I noticed he put one block on top of the other and then accidentally knocked them over when he tried to add a third. The dexterity and balance isn’t quite there yet, but the motivation was there. My boy is a stacker, and now I can enroll him in his father’s Alma Mater.

Okay. So now that I have shared those two very important milestones with you I can go off on some busybody tangents. My house is a mess and my laundry is in piles but all I can think about is blogging and catching up on everyone’s blogs. I’ve done a bit of reading to catch-up, but haven’t started commenting yet. Please be patient with me.

Yesterday my friend Janette and her baby Jules spent the day with us. Janette lives over an hour away in Reading, but will be in Philly a lot in the next two weeks because of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Her husband Perry is the Technical Director for the festival so to prevent being a total “Fringe widow” she’s spending quite a bit of time in Philly so that Perry can see his three month old son in small increments. Which is great for us because she’ll be close by. We had a lovely afternoon of infants and tea and met Mark in the park for a dinner of Rustica hoagies. It was the perfect night for hanging outside and Noah rode a big boy swing for the first time!

Oh – and they FINALLY started running the refurbished old trolleys down Girard Avenue. They are super cool looking and unbelievably quieter than the buses. Hooray!

I know there was something else. What WAS it? Oh well.

Well my house is in shambles so I must go. But comments are coming soon. I SWEAR.


lonna said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly babies can learn what you model for them? Stacking is awesome. Way to go Noah.

The Fringe Festival makes me miss being near a city even more.

mrs. awesome said...

isn't it exciting when they can do something new? that makes the everyday stuff so much better. i know everybody thinks they're raising an einstein, but i get insanely proud of g.'s little accomplishments, too.

she's einstein 2 until someone tells me different!

hazel said...

noah the stacker!!! that is so cool. there's no doubt that he's going to be smart, look at his parents.

I'm so excited about the trolley. where does it go, exactly? I want to ride it. I want to step up on it just as it leaves, and hold on with one hat while I lean out toward the street, free arm outstretched, in a red double buttoned jacket, red beret perched jauntily on my head. can we arrange that? I think it would work until the driver told me to sit the fuck down.

Jen O. said...

I'm excited about the trolleys. Have you been on one yet? Does it just go up and down Girard? Is it $2 or a token, like the bus is? I would go to the SEPTA Website, but it SUCKS, and everything opens in PDF.

NME said...

We haven't been on a trolley yet but Mark is chomping on the bit to get on. They run the course of Girard. We could take one from our house to the zoo. They are the same fare as the bus.

Marksthespot said...

jen o - the trolleys just replaced a regular SEPTA bus route, the number 15 (where in fact buses replaced trolleys, maybe 15-20 years ago). the base fare is $2 as always, but two or more tokens cost $1.30 each.

"a streetcar named yilbm"

Missuz J said...

Noah is getting SO BIG! The block building really is exciting--and I'm not being sarcastic. You'll have to let us know all about your first trolley ride. Maybe it will take you to the neighborhood of make-believe.