Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Watch the train car please!

We’re back from the beach and there is far too much to mention. It was fun, relaxing and filled with memories I don’t have time to type yet. I’ll start at the tip of the iceberg. Those of you who are regular readers (bless your bored souls) know that Noah has had a love/hate relationship with amusement rides. While he has wanted to climb on the rides at the mall he has not permitted us to put quarters on them and while he is always interested in the carousel, he has wanted to ride in the seat rather than the horse. A couple of weeks ago when we were at Hershey Park he was LOVING the rides and at the end of the day he asked to go on a helicopter ride that was not for adults. I explained to him that Daddy couldn’t accompany him, that he’d have to go on alone and yet he seemed undaunted. I however was horrified. Much to Mark’s chagrin I told Noah he was too small for the ride. I just kept picturing putting him on the ride and once the cars started spinning and going up and down – he’d completely freak out and cry hysterically. And then when the ride attendant didn’t stop it immediately I’d have to brutally beat him to death. So obviously it wasn’t a good idea. This week at the Ocean City Boardwalk Noah was ALL about the rides. Every day we had to remind him that rides were for after dinner only. On Tuesday I had been feeling awful – exhaustion, queasiness, painful contractions on and off all day. So that night I sent Mark, Noah, my Mom, her fiancé, my Father-in-law, and his wife off to the Boardwalk without me. I didn’t want to stay home, I just didn’t feel up to it. When they got home at 11 pm with Noah sound asleep in his stroller I discovered from Mark that they had put Noah on his first SOLO rides. And then I lost my over-emotional exhausted pregnant mind. At first I was LIVID. How DARE they put him on those rides without me? And then I was angry with myself – SEE this is why I can NEVER not go – I MISS SOMETHING. I yelled at everyone and then stomped off to bed crying hysterically. Thinking about how I was ALREADY missing important things in Noah’s life because I was having two – how could I ever possibly do them both justice. I cried myself to sleep. And in the morning I realized I had been acting insane and then I sheepishly tried apologize to everyone. More of the joys of pregnancy. Oh, and the boy – is a ride daredevil. He went on tons of rides by himself and things with Mark that made Mark feel sick. All the while giggling gleefully – almost as much as he did when giant cold ocean waves smacked him in the face while he cackled “I want more BIG ONES!” Just when you think you get the kid figured out he throws you a curve ball.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And such a lovely curveball! I can't wait till he grows tall enough to accompany Grandma on the roller coasters!!