Thursday, October 16, 2008

Spot the boy

So Noah's rash is as we expected - just the end stage of his virus and not contagious. But damn does it look troubling. I keep trying to take pictures to depict just how spotty he is, but they always seem mild in comparison. I didn't send him to school today because activity and sweating make him itchy unless I dose him with Benadryl, and then he's a tired hot mess. The doc said he would be a bit achey and tired, and damn he is moody. (HELP!) It could go away in about a week but traces might linger for longer.


Wendy Hitch said...

At least he is still smiling...
Thank you and Mark so very much for coming through for us with the CSA. What a major flake I am!!!

Marksthespot said...

Please, post no more photos of how dingy our tub grout is.

You're welcome, Wendy.

Kodi said...

Ahhh, rashes! We have dealt with rashes for the whole summer. Kiri broke out in this weird circular rash all over her stomache, neck and back. At first I thought it was ringworm, but the doc said no. General doctor put her on steriods, and the rash started to go away. Then as soon as the steriod treatment stopped, it came back full force. Finally had to take her to a dermatologist, and he called it pityroseasomething. Finally got it all cleared up. Then strangely, and tragically, her dermatologist dies in a plane crash 3 days later.