Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Dear Diary?

Okay. So this blog should not be my damn diary. Right? Who gives a crap if we drove to Lansdale, right? I guess my confusion is whether I am just writing this blog for myself or if I am trying to entertain an audience. If I am just writing it for me - I can write just any old nonsense. I had an english muffin with peanut butter for breakfast. Thrilling, huh? But if I am writing to an imagined reader - then I wouldn't bother you with my mundane details. Except I think I only have mundane details at the moment. Crap. I really don't know what I am doing. As per usual.

Oh and obviously I am not doing spell check or anything. All my posts are a mess.

Noah has become such a squealer. Whenever he is bored with something or wants attention he starts squealing at the top of his lungs. It's pretty cute. At least the first five million times. It's way better than the crying anyway. And he's doing it right now. He is in essence saying "I tire of these twirling birds and monkeys and I need to be held damn it!"

Today we had our first giggle fit. I have tried blowing raspberries on Noah's belly a hundred times and gotten little to no reaction. But today it caused his first giggle riot. I just about died from love overdose. Of course I tried to repeat it later in the day and once again got no reaction. Noah intends to remain an enigma.

I'm fat. I mentioned that right? Have a mentioned I don't really feel like doing a damn thing about it? At least until I am done nursing. I am not going to do aerobics or yoga with giant leaking breasts. It isn't going to happen. And I also have no intention to start counting points or depriving myself either. I actually can't fathom dieting right now. It seems physically and spiritually impossible. But that will have to change in the coming months. We are definitely going to the beach the week before Labor Day and I don't want to be mistaken for a whale.

Well I have to take the squealer downstairs and Papasan his shakey little butt so I can try to cook dinner. I might even cook with BUTTER. Heaven forbid.

1 comment:

Marksthespot said...

You won't believe this, but it was really exciting for me to read your thoughts and reactions in this forum. I hope it's OK that I read this now and again, and I hope the idea that I might be reading doesn't change how you write. If it does, then please change your moniker so I can't find you, but under no circumstances stop writing.