Monday, November 14, 2005

This babies made for walkin'

The following are some action photos taken in the last week. Walking the dog. Walking in the park. Walking in the woods. As you can see Noah is ALL into this walking business. He wants to GO and GO. It makes me feel bad trapping him into smaller playzones with gates - especially after he spent his entire visits to both my Mom and Dad's place walking around their houses in circles.

This weekend we taught Noah how to go down steps backwards. I figured it was safer then just trying to prevent him from throwing himself head first down the four steps from the kitchen to the dining room. It only took a couple times walking him through it (get down on the floor, move your knees down, now your feet, now your hands) before he got it. I am constantly amazed by his capacity to learn and master new tasks. At what age do we lose that? I wish I could still learn as quickly as a one year old. Of course I'm potty trained - so I'm still a few steps ahead of him.


lonna said...

Dermot's stil mostly gated in. We have opened the kitchen to him since he's a little more controlled. Although once in a while he's still gated out. So he has the hallway, foyer, his room, living room, and the kitchen. The bathrooms, our room, and the office/cats' room are off limits. I don't think that Dermot minds having limited space here, but he likes to play with toys. He's really big into being able to push buttons and either see lights, hear noises, or see things move.

hazel said...

we're big gaters, too. as soon as she realizes the gates aren't up, she makes a beeline for wherever she wasn't supposed to be. god, how this child loves the steps. and poking her head through the spindles of the railing. I predict a call to the firemen in our future.

in the winter, we will HAVE to schedule more playdates. I need to spend more time with noah - and with you.