Friday, March 17, 2006

When your middle name is McCormack on St. Patrick's Day you get to have green cupcakes for breakfast. (Please pay no attention to the large purple bump on his head.)  Posted by Picasa


lonna said...

When I was a kid my mom used to always get us green Hostess Snowballs for Saint Patrick's Day. It was one of our few traditions. I would argue that green cupcakes are even better. MMM...cupcakes.

hazel said...

you can only imagine what it's like if your last name is milligan.

Kodi said...

Horray for green cupcakes! Don't feel guilty about the bump on the head. He is okay, and it was so totally not your fault. I fell down cement steps with Kiri once and she had a bloody elbow from it. It's hard not to feel bad, but kids bounce back pretty quick from stuff like that.