Monday, February 06, 2006

No stupid title

Have I mentioned I’m tired? Today both Noah and I took a two hour nap in the middle of the afternoon. It was the kind of nap where you wake up feeling sort of light-headed, a little ill, and like you haven’t eaten in days. So that’s refreshing.

Last week I was thinking that my lack of energy and poor complexion might mean I was pregnant. I was wrong. Mother Nature came to visit on Friday. I’m not exactly in a hurry to get knocked up again, but I was still a bit disappointed.

On Friday Noah and I accompanied Holly and Tripp to the Please Touch Museum. Noah was a bit overwhelmed by all the kids and the noise, and after a plastic chicken he was touching suddenly started to move caused him to cry, he found the quietest corner in the place and sat down at a table to do puzzles. After awhile he warmed up enough to just run around room after room searching for more stairs to climb. And then taking a play vacuum for a test drive. I think his next visit will be a bit more exciting. The best part of the trip is that I bought a CD of The Greatest Hits of the Muppets. I’ve been singing “Movin’ Right Along” all weekend.

On Saturday morning Mark took our cardboard, paper and plastic recycling to Liberty Lands Park. It was Mark’s New Year resolution to recycle more and he's doing a really amazing job of it. The cardboard and plastic are easy enough to remember but I keep throwing paper in the trash without thinking. But I’m really proud of Mark for taking the initiative. Not only is it better for the planet, but the money the neighborhood association receives for the recycling effort is used to help maintain the park. Later in the day we drove out to Qtown to visit my Mom and go out to dinner. Apparently Noah has decided there will be no more sleeping in cars, so I had to entertain him both ways. But he was amazingly well behaved at TGIFridays – he just kept eating, eating, and eating. In between courses he sucked on the limes that came out of our margaritas. After dinner we decided to let him run off some energy at the Dollar Tree before we strapped him back in the car. He bought Bella some early Valentine treats with his allowance. He's smitten and wanted to make sure he had dibs on her.

Sunday morning we cleaned a bit until it was time to head to Baby Disco with the Milliceccobachs. The club was PACKED – in fact there were families waiting in line outside for people to come out. For some odd reason the music was louder and the disco lights were flashier – but as per usual Noah was more interested in wandering and eating. After the big dance we all headed back to the house for hoagies, libations, boring football and lackluster commercials. Luckily the company was good and the kids were incredibly entertaining. My favorite thing of the night was watching Trent play football with Noah. It nearly melted my heart. I give Trent the MVP award for the evening. Oh, and Patrice brought Noah the cutest book - I read it out loud twice today, and both times I got choked up.

Tomorrow is Noah’s 15 month check-up. I really look forward to the doctor visits – to ask questions and see how he’s doing growth-wise. And Mark took the day off so maybe we’ll go out to breakfast after the pediatrician visit. Well - it's Monday night so I best go get my book.


hazel said...

me time mondays!!

aw, that is so sweet about trent playing with noah melting your heart. for some reason, kids love trent, and thankfully, trent loves kids too. he was so excited to show me that noah was sometimes catching the football. I'm glad you said it was something you liked, because I think you first commented "and so it begins" (meaning the sports).

I'm also so glad you like the book. it's so sweet.

bella is totally noah's for valentine's day. (well, noah's and daddy's.)

hazel said...

she linked to it - it's called william's doll. it's about a boy who wants a doll so he can practice being a daddy. very sweet. and written in a time when that sentiment (boys playing with dolls) was not popular.

OMH said...

Okay leave us hanging here.....what book did he get that had you choked up?

lonna said...

I feel the same way when I nap with Dermot. I wake up feeling worse than when I woke up in the morning.

Jen said...

Mmmm. Margarita Limes. I am such a lame-O and have nothing very good to contribute, but just wanted to let you know that I am keeping up with you and your family on a daily basis despite being very busy. I read all of your stuff daily even when i don't always have time to comment.

Missuz J said...

Did I read that right? You look FORWARD to doctors visits?

Living in the country has its advantages (i guess), but I do wish I could take Soph to cool museums and baby disco. The Please Touch museum sounds HYPER AWESOME